Guest-Radio Liberty

Radio Liberty Archives

Agenda 21: Technocracy, Trilaterals and the Green Economy

April 1, 2014 | 2 Comments

4/1/2014 – Patrick Wood analyzes Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and regional governmental institutions in light of Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission. Although a summary by necessity of time, this gives a deep historical insight into where Agenda 21 doctrines and policies were invented and how they have been implemented. [...]

Taking America Back

September 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

9/26/2012 - Michael Shaw describes strategies and tools for taking America back, including the Misprision of Treason process, with host Dr. Stan Monteith. [...]

Freedom Advocates Takes on the Establishment

September 23, 2010 | 0 Comments

9/23/2010 - In this one hour interview outlining and urging citizen response, activist callers praise Freedom Advocates for leading the way by taking on the establishment. [...]
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