F21SC Issue Statement: Government education system co-opting parental authority

By [post_author] –

24 November 2003

Issue: Many parents have allowed a government-mandated educational system to co-opt parental authority over their children.


Parents remain responsible for the children, but the state is gaining increasing authority over how children are educated and how children are raised. This leads to a weakened family unit and is contributing to a degraded society.


Preparing their children to take full advantage of the opportunities available in a free society is a key responsibility of parenthood. To successfully exercise their responsibilities, parents must be able to retain authority over their children. As government schools and agencies attempt to exercise increasing authority over children–and thereby the family–parents must exercise constant vigilance to protect their Family Autonomy.


  • Build an alliance of parents and organizations to educate parents about parental responsibility and authority and the risks to their families inherent in transferring parental authority to the state
  • Promote changes in the government educational system that returns authority over children to parents

F21SC Issue Statement: Government education system co-opting parental authority by Michael Shaw


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