
Screening your Child for “Mental Health” – Dismantling the Family

June 15, 2005 | 0 Comments

6/15/2005 - Host Michael Shaw with Dr. Karen Effrem. Congress has imposed massive measures to direct the attitudes, values and beliefs of students. In another major attack on parental authority, preschoolers must now be assessed for their mental health, labeled accordingly and potentially medicated. Dr. Karen Effrem, pediatrician, mother and Board member of Edwatch ( talks of this most disturbing element in the rise of sustainable tyranny. [...]

Abolishing Private Property

June 8, 2005 | 0 Comments

6/8/2005 - Host Michael Shaw with Dr. Michael Coffman. The Wildlands Project is removing citizen control over the rural lands and natural resources of America. Forest specialist, Dr. Michael Coffman explains environmental falsehoods and demonstrates the political "science" behind environmental scares. Dr. Coffman explains the real motivation behind the attack on American forest owners, ranchers and farmers. Hear how the consequences will contribute to the destruction of the middle class and the loss of liberty in America. [...]

Emergence of the American Soviet: Michael Shaw on F21SC Radio

November 17, 2004 | 0 Comments

11/17/2004 - When the Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev uttered these words decades ago, they were considered an idle threat -- typical Cold War rhetoric. Now, as Sustainable Development spreads globally and imposes locally its soft-sounding but hard-hitting restrictions on the lives of all, it has become obvious that his prediction is on the mark. Michael Shaw will expose the emergence of an American Soviet, with an enlightening explanation of the political dynamics that make this unthinkable event possible. [...]

Restoring Liberty: Kent Snyder on F21SC Radio

June 23, 2004 | 0 Comments

6/23/2004 - Kent Snyder, Executive Director of the Liberty Committee, discusses the constant drive toward centralized power in Congress and the growing contingent of legislators who work to advance liberty and restore the constitutional administration of government. [...]

Fire Protection and the ESA: Ric Frost on F21SC Radio

June 16, 2004 | 0 Comments

6/16/2004 - Lisa Rudnick and Mr. Ric Frost talk on many of the current fire issues and how they relate to the Endangered Species Act. Mr. Frost explains how it is private stewardship of the land and not government that will best safeguard us from another tragedy. [...]

One Bay Area

November 1, 2014 | 1 Comment

11/1/2014 - One Bay Area is America’s most extensive and expensive application of Agenda 21. Michael Shaw discusses the One Bay Area Plan, ABAG, ICLEI, and COGs with host, KSCO Santa Cruz station owner, Michael Zwerling and various callers. [...]

Become a Citizen Ninja in Your Neighborhood

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

6/23/2014 - Citizen Ninja Mary Baker explains to host Dr. Stan Monteith how to recognize Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Globalism in your neighborhood. Listen to this pleasant interview and learn how to become a Citizen Ninja in your neighborhood. [...]

Agenda 21: Technocracy, Trilaterals and the Green Economy

April 1, 2014 | 2 Comments

4/1/2014 – Patrick Wood analyzes Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and regional governmental institutions in light of Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission. Although a summary by necessity of time, this gives a deep historical insight into where Agenda 21 doctrines and policies were invented and how they have been implemented. [...]

Charlotte Iserbyt on Charter Schools and Common Core

October 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

10/12/2013 - Charlotte Iserbyt gives an efficient assessment of what is wrong with Charter schools (controlled without parental input through elected boards and more) and Common Core America's new, federal, education standard. These are issues that should not wait any longer for public attention. Implementation of Agenda 21's education for Global citizenship depends on creating a uniform national educational system able to launch the complete 'transformation' of society at will. [...]
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