Articles by pwood

An Open Letter to the King and His Game Keeper

October 13, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Thomas Paine -

As land around the country becomes swallowed up by the government and its partners through "habitat protection plans" the silence behind the science is deafening. The red-legged frog is another species used on the central coast in steal land and limit human action.


Measure J Marries Transportation and Housing in Santa Cruz County

October 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 10/12/2004 -

Measure J proponents argue that Measure J will fund Highway 1 widening and alternative means of transportation projects. Opponents see the measure as an ineffective crutch to support an allegedly unsustainable car culture. Both sides fail to explain what this bond will truly accomplish.


Future Theft

September 10, 2004 | 0 Comments

9/10/2004, KING COUNTY, Wash. -- Are gardens and ecosystems mutually exlcusive? King County's 65-10 rule denies future generations the American gardening tradition.


Subverting the Constitution in High School

September 10, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Alan Caruba, 9/10/2004 - SOUTH ORANGE, New Jersey -- The federal government has no business underwriting the publication of a book that deliberately subverts key elements of the US Constitution.


One Step Closer to a Police State

August 4, 2004 | 0 Comments

By John W. Whitehead, 8/4/2004 -

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia. -- In the pursuit of security, America has strayed far from the liberties envisioned by our founders. Will we stop now and reverse the trend?


Is There Really a Fatherhood Crisis?

June 15, 2004 | 0 Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/15/2004 - The American ideal assumes that self governance begins with the family. Fatherhood has been under a long-term attack in America. For some, the motive for this attack goes to the core of the battle about the role of government. Modern political philosophers understand that with the emergence of a global collective, the governing role of family diminishes as central government assumes the greater authority over marriage and children. Dr. Stephan Baskerville of Howard University examines how family law in America works to destroy family units and family authority.


The Wizardry Behind Fishery Management

June 15, 2004 | 0 Comments

Summary: FLORIDA -- Like Dorothy's Wizard, the main force driving the new paradigms in fishery management policy today have remained relatively hidden, cloaked in an obscure fog of distant international environmental policy meetings. It's now past time to pull back the curtain and see exactly who is back there, writes Sid Preskitt.


The International Green Agenda

June 15, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Ivan Osorio, 6/15/2004 - WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nongovernmental organizations, especially environmental, play an increasingly important role in international politics. With the financial backing of major U.S. philanthropies, such as the Ford Foundation, environmental activists use United Nations forums and other international meetings to influence global trade and environmental policy.

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