Articles by pwood

“Fidel gives us candy”: Of Charettes, Visioning and Contrivance

June 14, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Wendall Cox, 6/14/2004 -

BELLEVILLE, Ill. -- What can appear to be choices may very well be the result of manipulation or contrivance. Wendell Cox writes about the striking similarities between the "groupthink" tactics of Fidel Castro and the "visioning" processes that occur in urban development and regional planning exercises.


Federal Agency Uses Fire Code to Attempt Land Grab

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP) have two primary effects on the landscape; first, they prohibit the innovation that promotes ecological diversity and productivity, and second, they lead to an increased accumulation of fire fuel. Even the ostensible purpose of an HCP -- environmental protection -- is not served. The local adoption of an international fire code, called the Urban Wildand Intermix Code (UWIC), is the first step toward creating a countywide HCP.

Local citizen Nick Vrolyk makes clear to Santa Cruz County fire districts that their responsibility will change very dramatically from one of fire protection to one of facilitating the access to our private properties by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), under the auspices of fire protection. USFWS's agenda is to look for and map endangered species and wildlife habitats.

One must look to the real purpose in order to understand the goal of Habitat Conservation Plans -- they are part of a program designed to eliminate private property.


Learning Globally: U.N. Program Takes Root in U.S.

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

4/20/2004 - George Archibald reports on United Nations International Baccalaureate (IB) schools operating within the United States. UNESCO maintains that the IB curriculum promotes human rights, social justice and the need for "sustainable development".

Parents who send their children to these schools have a responsibility to understand that Article 29 Section 3 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights stands in sharp contrast to the essence of the American experiment. Under the United States Declaration of Independence each individual has an unalienable right to life, liberty and property. Under Article 29 section 3 of the United Nations Declaration for a new global order, man's rights will not be unalienable, but rather decreed and rescinded by a ruling elite.


Global Warming: Just the Facts, Please!

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

David R. Legates, 3/23/2004 - Some scientists say that mankind caused the warmest decade o­n record. David Legates, Director of the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Delaware, shows how the evidence says otherwise.


Draft Housing Element Herds Residents into Dense Communities

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Colleen Shaw, 3/3/2004 -

Summary: Santa Cruz County officials claim that the Housing Element is necessary to solve a housing shortage problem, but once it is approved and goes into effect, residents will not have many of the common amenities now available. By this analysis, the only housing choice available to most families will be dense multi-family units with limited parking.


Regional Governance is Here

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 3/3/2004 - Few people realize that regional commissions even exist, or the growing influence they have over the lives of ordinary people, by providing the mechanism through which appointed individuals, rather than elected officials, develop public policy. 


“New SAT” Presents Troubling Scenario

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/3/2004 - Students taking the new SAT will be required to report personal opinions on sensitive subjects - opinions that they may understandably wish to keep private, Charles Lewis argues. Will personal and political views be used to judge who can attend college?

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