Articles by pwood

Putting a Happy Face on Socialism

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/3/2004 - While Santa Cruz County is radical enough to call SD/A21 by name, neighboring Monterey County has a differently packaged program to promote the United Nations' Sustainable Development Agenda 21 - an interactive, web-based, Community Planning Model.


Environmental Dictatorship

February 6, 2004 | 0 Comments

2/6/2004 -

Congratulations to the citizens of Richland County, South Carolina, who understand that the position of Environmental Program Manager has more to do with ushering in a police state than the protection of the environment. Richland County citizens showed up, spoke out, and just said "NO" to the position. Doug Kendall describes the dictatorial powers and consequences to the people of Richland County had it been approved.


Dulles Rail Project Will Make Congestion Worse, Lawsuit Claims

December 19, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 12/19/2003 -

Proposal "too expensive and illegally conceived"

FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Noted constitutional lawyer Gilbert K. Davis filed suit on December 5th against the Commonwealth of Virginia and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to obtain an injunction prohibiting further advancement of the $4 billion Dulles rail project, which Davis contended is being moved forward in violation of the Virginia Public Private Transportation Act (PPTA) and its implementing guidelines.


Congressman Farr Makes the Rules

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

11/24/2003 - SUMMARY:
"...your proposal doesn't make it affordable. It just benefits a lucky few and raises prices for the many. Your restrictions hurt the people you want to help, Sam."

Naval Post Graduate Professor and Hoover Institute Fellow David Henderson has a revealing discussion with Congressman Sam Farr over housing at Fort Ord, in Monterey, California.


It’s Time to Snuff out the “Let it Burn” Idea

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

11/24/2003 - Pacific Legal Foundation Vice-President M. David Stirling explains how the Endangered Species Act is anti-environment and therefore anti-human. The devastation caused by the recent California fires exemplifies how such policies undermine life for humans, plants and wildlife. The "Let it Burn" attitude is more than disturbing when it emanates from a group called the "Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics".


Smart Growth Rolls Into Town On A Trolley

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 11/23/2003 -

Plans for Recreational Rail in Santa Cruz County raise a number of issues for the community, and with future plans for a full-blown Smart Growth project, authorities have not disclosed all of the details - nor the consequences to the lives of county residents.


Judging Janice Rogers Brown

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Harold Johnson and Timothy Sandefur, 11/23/2003 -

The credentials and character of Janice Brown are beyond dispute. In her jurisprudence, courts should function, first and last, as defenders of freedom, say Johnson and Sandefur in this article published during her judicial nomination hearings.


Do We Need Another Entity Telling Us How, Where to Live?

November 19, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Don Lively, 11/19/2003 -

Ask 100 people about "smart growth" and likely 99 will look blank or reply, "Sounds great!" -- the desired response of proponents of this regional land use control measure. The following comments reflect concerns of smart growth-savvy citizens from both sides of the Bay -- and portray implications every Contra Costa County resident should understand about the county-wide project called "Shaping Our Future-Contra Costa County" (SOF-CCC), generically labeled "smart growth."


Sustainable Indoctrination: Local U.N. Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education (Excerpts)

November 17, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education". Includes: Your child is the prime target; Enlisting the government education system for indoctrination of your children; All subjects ripe for environmental indoctrination; Coming to your schools: all sustainable indocrintation all the time; Get with the program; The "Desired State" of education: getting along; Indoctrinational goals for your children; Sustainable indoctrination. [Note Headlines are editorial comments, emphasis added.]


Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation (Excerpts)

November 12, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Unedited excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation". The headlines are editorial comments, includes: Your car, enemy of the people; Desired state: rebuild your neighborhood sans car; Plans for taxing your car, somebody has to pay for the unused government transportation system; A metropolitan transportation vision for rural Santa Cruz County.

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