Articles by pwood

Patriot Act: Global Connections

August 18, 2003 | 0 Comments

8/18/2003 - SUMMARY: Geopolitical Journalist Joan Peros shares what she's learned at press conferences and meetings o­n the global stage, and exposes a connection between homeland security to an agenda for global governance.


Water District Educational Programs Promoting Behavior Modification

August 15, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Something seemed fishy in the San Lorenzo Water District when its Board of Directors introduced plans for using ratepayer fees to fund indoctrination programs. In this commentary, Lisa Rudnick presents the opposition to the Board's actions, and exposes how the program may not only be a questionable use of ratepayer funds, but that it may be illegal.


Sanctuary Says YOU Are Primary Threat to Environment

August 15, 2003 | 0 Comments

According to the "Monterey Bay Begins o­n Your Street" brochure funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the primary culprit responsible for environmental threats to the sanctuary is "YOU!"


‘Smart-Growth’ Plan Riles Black Farmers

August 10, 2003 | 0 Comments

By John Berlau, 8/10/2003 -

After being freed from slavery in the 1860's, Joe Neal's great-grandfather bought 75 acres of wooded land and turned it into a fertile farmland that has been managed by Neal's family for three generations. But, if Sustainable Development/Smart Growth planners get their way, Neal and his neighbors will lose their heritage in the name of "the environment". In this Insight story by John Berlau, you will see how the posterity of slavery has long fought for its freedom and rights, but today are faced with threats to their livelihood and property that that are greater than anything they've faced from segregationist politicians.

With the Sierra Club, and its government and non-government organization partners, being referred to as a "chapter of the KKK", Smart Growth may be threatening the rights of these citizens, but could ultimately change the political landscape of South Carolina. Santa Cruz residents will find an uncanny similarity between the Town and Country Plan that is threatening Neal's property and the Santa Cruz Local Agenda 21 Action Plan that has guided our local planners since 1995.


WSAU Transcript: Biographies

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Biographies of the participants in WSAU's Freedom 21 Sustainable Development Forum.


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Parts 3 & 4

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel and callers discuss: Cases where citizens have resisted, and defeated Sustainable Development / Smart Growth programs; Individual and property rights written into the Constitution; How Sustainable Development programs are being implemented by a soviet system -- a system of councils that report to the "apex council".


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Part 2

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel discusses: How Smart Growth is designed to depopulate rural areas and transition human populations into high-density occupation zones; How Global organizations are gaining control of U.S. water resources; How Sustainable Development plans are being implemented by collectivist counsels outside of the democratic process; and Threats to Private Property in Santa Cruz, California, and throughout the USA.


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Part 1

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel introduces Smart Growth / Sustainable Development as a program that will eliminate private property, discusses the effect of Smart Growth policies in Santa Cruz County, and how significant changes to policy and society are being implemented without a vote from citizens.


Nature Conservancy Under Investigation, Suspends Operations After Post Exposure

May 30, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: The Nature Conservancy is coming under fire after the Washington Post described how the $3 billion environmental charity may have played loose with IRS laws to benefit supporters, including corporations that have paid millions in environmental fees. This story provides a comprehensive overview of how your taxes and donations have been used by The Nature Conservancy, provides links to the Washington Posts "Big Green" series and to a library of supplementary stories.


Landmark Calls for Probe into EPA Grants to Nature Conservancy

May 30, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Landmark Legal Foundation has asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to investigate whether millions of dollars in agency grants to the Nature Conservancy and its state affiliates -- the nation's largest environmental organization with assets of more than $3 billion -- were misused. The Foundation has also asked the agency to suspend current and future grant payments to the group pending the outcome of the investigation.

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