Articles by Staff

Australia Water History

December 12, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Laurence Jones, 12/12/2007 -

Laurence Jones February 2009 update has been added to this history of water management in Queensland, Australia. Councils, regionalism, public/private partnerships and environmentalism have combined to destroy safe drinking water.


“Visioning” – Know What You Are Getting Into

September 11, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Center for Intelligent Growth, 9/11/2007 -

Visioning processes, when used for land-use planning can be manipulated through peer and mentor pressure that can influence participants core beliefs. This highly influences the outcome of community consensus meetings.


Free Trade: The Myth and the Reality

November 28, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Dr. Steven Yates, 11/28/2005 -

Twisting the use and meaning of words (logical positivism) has become commonplace. One circumstance is the "new" meaning given to "free trade" by the inner core Sustainable Developers. Dr. Steven Yates describes how modern free trade agreements implement the opposite of free trade. The policy results in public/private partnerships that benefit operators of global corporate socialism while making free enterprise extinct.


Community Plans Aim to Change Values

October 13, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Susanna L. Jennings, 10/13/2004 -

Community plans are specifically designed to reflect aesthetically the collective values they seek to impose -- at the expense of individual expression and privacy.


Packard Foundation: Creating a Fiefdom on the California Central Coast

March 2, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/2/2004 - The United States has experienced an explosion in federal, state, and local regulations in recent years and it is not the result of elected officials responding to the expressed desires of their electors. Robert Eckert shows how the Packard Foundation and a host of other corporate global-government providers are busy working to regulate every aspect of our lives and the lives of our children.


Community Plans = Sustainable Scams

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Joanne Nathan, 11/24/2003 -

When you hear terms like, "Community Plans", "Town Plans" and "Village Plans"... take notice and take action!


Sustainable Land Grabbers Use Mob-like Tactics Against Property Owners

August 11, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Kay J. McClanahan, 8/11/2003 -

When Kay McClanahan retired after being recognized as South Carolina Woman of the Year for her pioneering achievements as a forensic detective, she thought she'd settle down to farm the land she and her husband had spent a lifetime acquiring. But, someone else had a different plan for the McClanahan farm -- and that plan didn't include Mr. and Mrs. McClanahan.

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