Illegitimate Government

Quietly, Quietly Building a North American Union

October 9, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Dr. Steven Yates, P.h.D., 10/9/2006 - Modern day imperialists from powerful economic and political arenas guide the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. This is a must read for adults and teens.


Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Operates Outside the Law

July 12, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Carol Knapp, 7/12/2006 - Several years ago the City of Los Angeles divided LA into Neighborhoods with Councils for the purpose of implementing Sustainable Development policies. Carol Knapp understands the implications of her neighborhood council, and has documented and filed a formal grievance against certain people and entities for their illegality and breach of public ethics. The patterns of LA are sweeping the Country.


Two Sides of One Coin

April 26, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 4/26/2006 - Why have Presidents from either party failed to protect American interests and why do they advance a globalist agenda that undermines America’s borders, trade interests and foundational principles? This short article by Michael Shaw explains why Americans do not have a pro-American party to choose from. Don’t expect the next GOP/DNC nominee to be any different.


Mayors: Global to Local?

February 13, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 2/13/2006 -

Responsible mayors are learning about Agenda 21, and examining its consequences to their constituents. Other mayors are wined and dined at conferences such as the New Cities Project, Conference of Mayors, League of Cities, The Sundance Summit and United Nations sponsored meetings for mayors, etc. Read the press briefs and articles demonstrating how globally-networked cities are evolving into Smart Growth/Sustainable Communities through global-to-local action. Smart Growth/Sustainable Communities work to eliminate private property and individual liberty.


How America Is Being Sovietized

November 5, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw and Edward Hudgins, October 5, 2005 -

An unrecognized threat to the liberty and prosperity of each American has spread throughout the country, taking root in every state and county. Its current and most serious manifestation was fashioned by an international organization with the explicit goal of replacing the autonomy of individuals over their own land with a collectivist control system that ultimately destroys the natural rights of each citizen. Its weapons for limiting liberty include councils that are similar to the institution of “soviets” that were pioneered by the communists who once controlled Russia. And yet most Americans see it as a well-meaning attempt to create a cleaner, better planet.


A Shocking US Supreme Court Case

June 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 6/13/2005 - On May 25 and with little or no press coverage, the Supreme Court delivered a huge blow to freedom. Citizens are no longer entitled to reasonable Due Process requirements for property right cases. The case, Lingle vs. Chevron fosters Sustainable Development policies.. The high court in this unanimous decision can no longer be said to be a protector of unalienable rights but instead has effectively adopted a political - economic system where rights are granted and rescinded by ruling edict. Saving the Republic will require an increasing public exposure of how the transformation of America is occurring. Apparently, the high court will not stand in the way of the globalist scheme to withdraw American's freedom. The court has sanctioned, by this decision, the nation's transformation of the economy from free enterprise to public/private partnerships. In doing that the court has abandoned Natural Law at its core.

In this review, Attorney Ronald A. Zumbrun, founder of the Pacific Legal Foundation and now of the Zumbrun law Firm in Sacramento California analyzes the shocking decision.


What is a Soviet?

June 29, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 6/29/2005 -

People know that a soviet system of government is a dismal failure. A failure so bad, in fact, that it's inconceivable to consider that soviet-style "change agents" might actually be Americans living and working in our own neighborhoods. Even worse, would be to discover that your smiling political leaders might also be "agents of change."


The Insanity of Celebrating Human Rights Day

February 23, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 2/23/2005 -

Some Santa Cruz County politicians celebrated the United Nation's Human Rights Day with typical public deception. Papers were handed out that OMITTED a critical part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

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