Liberty – Legitimate Government

Happy Birthday, Thomas Jefferson

April 12, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Genevieve LaGreca, 4/13/2007 - Jefferson fought for a country in which the government had no power to encroach on the mind, the life, the liberty, or the property of the individual. He fought for a country in which the individual was unshackled for the first time in history and could live for the pursuit of his own happiness, instead of being a pawn in the hands of the state.


Declaration of Independence 2007

January 30, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Genevieve LaGreca, 1/31/2007 - With a new Congress convening, it’s time to recall the ideals of America as expressed by Thomas Jefferson in the American Declaration of Independence. This expression of the the Declaration is updated to reflect the current usurpations and threats we face. This writing makes an urgent call for our recently elected representatives to fulfill the promise of America envisioned by our Founders and for we, the people, to insist that they do.


Automobility and Freedom

September 29, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Sam Kazman, 9/29/2005 -

Kazman explains that as convenient as driving may be, it is much, much more than that. It is a lovely activity, and a moral activity, and control over it is one of the last things you would want to give up to any government.


The Necessity of Government

April 12, 2005 | 0 Comments

By David Kelley, 4/12/2005 - Political-economic theory in America is increasingly losing its compass. Sustainable Development activists promote policies of unlimited government intervention and many intellectuals promote the opposite side of the political spectrum – anarcho capitalism. This essay written in 1974 charts the course for a political-economic theory predicated on reason and logic – the necessity of limited government. [...]

Sustainable Development or the Constitution — Which do you Choose?

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 4/20/2004 -

Achieving Abundance Ecology requires a direct relationship between man and the land, Abundance Ecologist Michael Shaw said in a presentation to the Trans-Heritage Association annual meeting and conference in Alpine Texas in May 2003. Shaw speaks from experience, having received acclaim for creating an ecological oasis from a weedy 75-acre parcel on the central coast of California -- what he calls "Liberty Garden."

"To release the potential productivity and diversity of a landscape, an owner must be free to engage in rigorous disturbance, and free to pursue a reasoned and creative process of trial and error. This process would be suited to the choice of each individual and the uniqueness of each property," Shaw said. Read some key excerpts from Shaw's presentation to the Trans-Texas Heritage Association.


The Philosophy of Liberty

February 17, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Ken Schoolland, 2/17/2004 -

This compelling Flash animation by Hawaii Pacific University Associate Professor Ken Schoolland portrays the sound principles of liberty upon which individuals and society flourish.  The legal, social and moral principles that guide a society based o­n individual liberty are simple indeed!


Judging Janice Rogers Brown

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Harold Johnson and Timothy Sandefur, 11/23/2003 -

The credentials and character of Janice Brown are beyond dispute. In her jurisprudence, courts should function, first and last, as defenders of freedom, say Johnson and Sandefur in this article published during her judicial nomination hearings.

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