
The Unalienable Right to Use and Enjoy One’s Property

May 14, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 5/14/2008 -

Private property is more than a "thing."  Your body, your thoughts and your actions obtain for you the benefits of various things, but it is the relationship between you and those things that form the essence of private property. Our forebearers recognized the idea and the ideal that every individual possesses unalienable rights. When this idea is respected it provides great advantages to individuals and society.


Sam Farr Supports, then Denies Agenda 21

April 26, 2008 | 0 Comments

Sam Farr's letter supporting, endorsing, and admitting that he's personally implementing U.N. Agenda 21 Sustainable Development throughout Monterey Bay.  Also a video of Sam Farr saying he doesn't know what Agenda 21 is.  If there's nothing to hide, why is Sam Farr hiding it?


Santa Cruz – The Gestapo of the West

April 24, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 4/24/2008 -

Summary: Known as the bastion of progressive liberal thinking, Santa Cruz, California  has become totalitarian in its approach to land use planning and property rights.  Those who curry favor get permits and those don't get punished.


Is a Permanent Revolution Occurring? Part 1

April 23, 2008 | 0 Comments

4/23/2008 - Professor Steven Yates summarizes his several year assessment of Terry Hayfield’s provocative and well annotated political assessment of the philosophy, methodology and participants behind an American commitment to implement Trotsky's description of "Permanent Revolution."  Is Hayfield onto the core analysis of contemporary political economics? Several relevant radio interviews with Hayfield or Yates are also in our radio archive.


Is a Permanent Revolution Occurring? Part 2

April 22, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Dr. Steven Yates, Ph.D., 4/22/2008 - In Part One, we saw that according to Terry L. Hayfield, independent researcher (over 30 years) into the nature of our economic reality and of the attack on our sovereign republic: “The Permanent Revolution is the continual process of war, revolution, and terror intended to facilitate the global proliferation of a specific and unified Anglo/British capitalism based on the precepts of the Fabian Society …” The Fabians may have been socialists, but they understood that “capitalism, socialism and communism are integral parts of the same perpetual procedure.” Global socialism, that is, cannot exist without global capitalism getting here first. 


Is the Permanent Revolution Occurring? Part 3

April 21, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Terry Hayfield, 4/21/2008 - I want to thank Steven Yates for presenting “my thesis” in a public-debate forum.  I also want to thank the Times Examiner for affording me the privilege of rebuttal.
My message is simple: The Radical Capitalist Class (RCC) is controlled by Capitalism and its resultant Permanent Revolution of Creative Destruction which is under the domination of the very influential Socialist ideology of England’s Fabian Society.  The RCC is radical in the sense the continued success of the Permanent Revolution of Creative Destruction (Globalization) will require an eventual end to the concept of National Sovereignty (a most radical concept indeed).


Contrived Sacrifice

April 11, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Center for Intelligent Growth, 4/11/2008 -

Have you ever bought a puzzle and discovered all the pieces were there – but there was no picture? The purpose of this article is to provide you with that “picture” and a look at both allies and opposition.

Consider the word “sacrifice”. Define this as voluntarily giving up something of value in hope of a return of greater value or for a higher purpose.


Are Scenic Byways Another Way to Steal Your Property Rights?

April 2, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Vern Westgate and Tim Nordell, 4/2/2008 -

What could sound more friendly and beneficial than Scenic Byways? It has the sound of bucolic, small town scenic back roads being preserved for those quiet drives. Like so many ‘good’ programs, this one can cost the holders of property their property rights.


Code Enforcement – Don’t Come Knocking on My Door

March 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Jamie Simone, 3/19/2008 -

Right now we don’t go knocking on doors,” said Planning Director Tom Burns. The ambiguity of this statement causes one to seriously question, “When exactly will they be pounding on my door?”

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