
Sustainable Development’s Empiric Plan Of Action

March 17, 2008 | 0 Comments

3/17/2008 - Sustainable Development is the most extensive and broad ranging social engineering project ever undertaken. With respect to state, county and local political bodies, many have contracted their powers away. They applied for loans and grants that required "concessions." Many times the concessions included authority over renewable natural resources and development. Those terms and concessions handed the scepter of power and ultimate authority over to the financier in perpetuity.


Ninth Circuit Resurrects Due Process Protections For Property Owners

March 11, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 3/11/2008 - Court warning to Planning officials -- immunity lost!  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found a silver lining within a gray cloud. The Court applied the findings of the Supreme Court's Lingle v. Chevron to eliminate government's long-held defense regarding private property takings. The court ruled that government officials can no longer rely on the "substantially advances a legitimate state interest" defense when regulating property.


Taking the Initiative from the Legislature

February 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 2/19/2008 - In 1983 California voters passed an initiative requiring that the legislative process be open to public review and comment. Since then the legislature has modified the content of the open meeting law. The state Constitution requires that all modifications to voter initiative statutes be obtained through voter approval. Why don't legislators follow the law?


The Cost of Wetlands in Half Moon Bay

January 18, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 1/18/2008 - The reaction of the Half Moon Bay City Council to the $36,795,000 judgment was a mixture of shock, mystification and dismay.  In addition to compensating Ms. Yamagiwa for the loss of private property, it is hoped that Chief Judge Walker’s opinion will remind all government decision makers to first ask the question:  “What about the Constitution?”


Principles of Equal Justice Encouraged by Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

January 18, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 1/18/2008 - The recently decided Ninth Circuit case, Crown Point  vs. Sun Valley, illustrates the contrast between social justice and equal justice. Social justice relies on the establishment of  "civil law, " which is designed to expand government and its partners authority at the expense of individual liberty. Equal justice on the other hand respects individual rights and private property. The Crown Point case sets an example for equal justice.


Agenda for the 21st Century Invades Australia

January 7, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Diane Ross, 1/7/2008 -

Australian leaders enforce Agenda 21 Sustainable Development by restricting private property use through policies like the "Native Vegetation Act." Public-private partnerships with willing corporations, councils, developers and others are used to advance the agenda. As a result, Australian businesses are becoming nationalized and private property is being abolished. Click here for a January 2010 radio broadcast with protesting farmer, Peter Spencer. Updates here.


Australia Water History

December 12, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Laurence Jones, 12/12/2007 -

Laurence Jones February 2009 update has been added to this history of water management in Queensland, Australia. Councils, regionalism, public/private partnerships and environmentalism have combined to destroy safe drinking water.

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