
Planning Department Bait and Switch

November 14, 2007 | 0 Comments

11/14/2007 - Deed restrictions, mandatory inspections, pre-enforcement and proactive enforcement exist under the banner of "streamlining" and "simplifying" the "permit reform" process. A continuation of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisor's Hearing is April 15 2008.  [The link goes to Agenda Item 37, takes a long time to download and is at times inaccessible. See page 19 of the 126 page document.]


Burn Baby Burn

October 30, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Sandra F. Mitchell, 10/30/2007 - As forests have become legally "protected" from fire-fuel management the frequency and ferocity of infernos has dramatically increased. Has the Forest Service adopted a "make it burn" policy?


After Decades of Abuse – The Challenge to Restore Property Rights in California

September 13, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 9/13/07 - Since 1993, California planning department officials have relied on the State's "Landgate" decision for providing them confidence that they and their employers are immune from claims of abuse. This article describes the history, the relevant law and the legal attack on the Landgate precedent. Michael Shaw, President of Freedom Advocates is a plaintiff in both cases described in that attack.


“Visioning” – Know What You Are Getting Into

September 11, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Center for Intelligent Growth, 9/11/2007 -

Visioning processes, when used for land-use planning can be manipulated through peer and mentor pressure that can influence participants core beliefs. This highly influences the outcome of community consensus meetings.


London’s “Green Tax” Targets Vehicles with ‘Large’ Feet

August 10, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Nelson Laplante, 8/10/2007 -

The implementation of "green taxes" on automobiles in England is burgeoning under the false pretext that Co2 emissions cause global warming. This is an added example of the implementation of Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) which would have people all over the developed world, give up their cars for walking, biking and mass transit.


Wrong Day Rubbish Disposers

August 6, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Nelson LaPlante, 8/6/2007 - City councils across Great Britain use cameras to spy on their citizens in hopes of catching violators of environmental laws or those engaged in ‘antisocial’ behavior.

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