
Quietly, Quietly Building a North American Union

October 9, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Dr. Steven Yates, P.h.D., 10/9/2006 - Modern day imperialists from powerful economic and political arenas guide the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. This is a must read for adults and teens.


What is Private Property?

October 3, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 10/3/2006 - Liberty Garden is a coastal oasis in Central California. It is a demonstration of how private property and ecological stewardship work hand in hand. There a former weed lot now supports a wild wonderland with a plethora of productive native plants, which in turn support an array of indigenous species. Liberty Garden proves that if people are free to create voluntary associations, the laws of economics and the consequence of stewardship will cause the earth to improve. [...]

Hung Out to Dry by The Transportation Plan

September 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Nick Peros, 9/30/2006 -

Buckle your seat belts, put on your helmets and brace yourself for the most colossal transportation wreck in the history of Santa Cruz County. Responsible parties include the County Board of Supervisors, County Tax Collector Fred Keeley, highly paid consultant, Eileen Goodwin and the 100 “stakeholders” of the Transportation Funding Task Force of the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission.


Coastal Commission Fails Attempt To Control Views From The Ocean

September 28, 2006 | 0 Comments

For over 30 years the California Coastal Commission has been overzealous in its attempts to control private property. In Dennis Schneider’s case the Coastal Commission attempted to impose unreasonable building conditions on his yet to be built house merely because it could seen from certain spots off-shore. This is an example of how power-grabbing agencies with non-elected officials attempt to destroy private property rights - one property at a time.


Aptos High School “crosses the line” with secret behavior control exercise

September 27, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 9/27/2006 - Aptos High School (AHS) violated the families of 360 students when it conducted a secret behavioral control exercise that compelled the students to publicly confess their sexual behaviors, personal thoughts, and family secrets, according to "Crossing the Line crosses the line" in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. AHS dismissed its violation of law and family autonomy as an "oversight" and expects the story to stop there. It doesn't. [...]

Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Operates Outside the Law

July 12, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Carol Knapp, 7/12/2006 - Several years ago the City of Los Angeles divided LA into Neighborhoods with Councils for the purpose of implementing Sustainable Development policies. Carol Knapp understands the implications of her neighborhood council, and has documented and filed a formal grievance against certain people and entities for their illegality and breach of public ethics. The patterns of LA are sweeping the Country.


Code Enforcement Falsely Subjects Widow to Red Tags

July 11, 2006 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 7/11/2006 - A true nightmare story of what can happen when you find yourself outside the political “inner circle.” A relative of a disgruntled employee told Hillary Falconer of Briarcliff Farm that she was going to report  Falconer to the county and other agencies.  Shortly thereafter, Briarcliff Farm was inspected by the enforcement unit of the Planning Department of the County of Santa Cruz.  And thus, the nightmare began! 

Santa Cruz "red-tagging" is an experiment in social engineering.  Those in favor with those in power get special treatment.  Those who are not in favor often end up with  alleged building code violations called "red tags."  This is not the story of a free America that has rights protected by the Constitution.  Rather, it portrays the “Gestapo of the West” where only the wealthy or those willing to commit their life savings or retirement funds have a chance to protect themselves.*

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