
Transforming Your Town: Facilitated Meetings Coming Your Way

May 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

By Andrea Sanchez, 5/28/2013 - Community visioning workshops do little to address the most predominant issues facing our neighborhoods, but go a long way toward padding the pockets of a select few. Businesses and residents sense something is wrong and are rightfully wary. They will find the strings attached to the plans untenable. Watch for these meetings. It is time to point our elected officials in the direction of true representation and transparency. [...]

Transit Corridor Plans: Cramped Quarters and Limited Mobility

November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 11/30/2012 -

Henry Baker, Deputy Director of the Planning Department (circa 1972) told the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, “…make auto usage difficult, costly, and inconvenient. Permit road congestion to increase.” Santa Cruz provides a roadmap for what you can expect.


Civilian National Security Force is the Creature in Your Community

September 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Elry Falkenstein III, 9/12/2012 -

In 2007, George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13434, called "National Security Professional Development," a military-industrial cartellization dressed as security. Section 1 states: "In order to enhance the national is the policy of the United States to promote the education, training, and experience of current and future professionals in national security positions in executive departments and agencies." Barack Obama, the first US President to chair the United Nations Security Council, said in a 2008 speech, "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." The "education, training and experience" of "current and future" professionals is rooted in Ch. 36 of the United Nations "global to local action" plan, Agenda 21 and is brought to us by both Republican and Democrat Presidents.


Misprision of Treason Primer: Responding to your City’s Association with ICLEI

July 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 7/30/2012 -

Article 1 Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states or their subdivisions from entering into any "treaty, alliance or confederation" with a foreign political organization. Contracts with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability headquartered in Bonn, Germany fit into this prohibition. Increasingly, American citizens are becoming aware of this fact.


Agenda 21 Timeline

July 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Cherie Zaslawsky, 7/15/2012 -

Whether you follow the money or follow the science, it becomes all too clear that the 1% is out to own the world and everyone and everything in it...and this is why we need to fight every aspect of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development, including: Smart Growth, the Grand Boulevard Initiative, Climate Action Plans, Carbon Taxes, Cap-and-Trade, California’s onerous pieces of legislation AB 32 and SB 375 etc.—to remain a free people in a free Republic.


Overwhelming Public Opposition

June 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Texas TURF, 6/26/2012 -

The fix was in before a single citizen ever walked into the Bexar County San Antonio Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meeting. The tumult and chaos surrounding transportation decision-makers in Bexar County, TX has hit a feverish pitch. The public testimony emailed into the board opposed the plan, 130-3, and the three in favor were area Chamber of Commerce organizations and industry shills..."The war against cars is alive and well in San Antonio. This fight has always been about who gets the pot of 'toll gold' at the end of the rainbow." -- Terri Hall


Property Rights Councils: Adding a Stakeholder to the Soviet Brew

March 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 3/6/2012 -

Recently, several have called for the municipal creation of Property Rights Councils (PRC). The argument is that government officials need input for this “special interest.” A property rights council does not exist in the operation of the American republic. The creation of such boards means the fall of the republic.

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