
Michael Shaw Outlines the Need for a Redirected American Leadership

August 16, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 8/16/2005 -

At the concluding session of the 6th annual Freedom 21 conference, Michael Shaw characterized Sustainable Development as “the plan to create a global police state”, and he decried environmental scares as a fraud designed to cover up the Sustainable transformation of America’s systems of government, justice and economics.

Shaw challenged the audience to envision a coming era; “when Natural Law reigns, and the lands and resources are returned to citizen control, when free enterprise is regarded by the law. Then”, he said, “America will lead a global renaissance unimaginable today.”

Read his complete speech notes and view his power point illustrations.


Setting the Table for a Manipulated Water Crisis – Felton’s Artificial Dialectic in Operation Now

June 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 6/30/2005 -

Summary Update 2009 - The town of Felton in Santa Cruz County continues to be in dilemma over water. Sustainable Development mercenaries gave the town an electoral "choice" for water controls: Heads insiders win; Tails the citizens lose! If only Felton residents had understood this back in 2005, today they would not be facing rate increases brought on by the phony "Friends of Locally Owned Water" (FLOW) group. FLOW now means government controlled water through the San Lorenzo Valley Water District.


A Shocking US Supreme Court Case

June 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 6/13/2005 - On May 25 and with little or no press coverage, the Supreme Court delivered a huge blow to freedom. Citizens are no longer entitled to reasonable Due Process requirements for property right cases. The case, Lingle vs. Chevron fosters Sustainable Development policies.. The high court in this unanimous decision can no longer be said to be a protector of unalienable rights but instead has effectively adopted a political - economic system where rights are granted and rescinded by ruling edict. Saving the Republic will require an increasing public exposure of how the transformation of America is occurring. Apparently, the high court will not stand in the way of the globalist scheme to withdraw American's freedom. The court has sanctioned, by this decision, the nation's transformation of the economy from free enterprise to public/private partnerships. In doing that the court has abandoned Natural Law at its core.

In this review, Attorney Ronald A. Zumbrun, founder of the Pacific Legal Foundation and now of the Zumbrun law Firm in Sacramento California analyzes the shocking decision.


Here Comes the U.N. — Again!

June 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 6/30/2005 -

June 2005 Hollow Rock, Tenn. -- United Nations biosphere reserves are being created across America through a little-known program called "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB).  A Biosphere Reserve is a massive land area divided into three zones: core wilderness areas; buffer zones; and a transitional area. The plan is to continually enlarge each of the zones. For example, The Southern Appalachian MAB (SAMAB) was originally designated to be the Smoky Mountains National Park, an area of 517,000 acres. It has now grown to embrace an area stretching from near Birmingham, Alabama, to near Roanoke, Virginia.


Region 2020 and Sustainable Indicators

June 29, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Don Casey, 6/29/2005 - Usually "Sustainable" programs are labeled by their proponents as "local". They are not. As Don Casey reports from Alabama, the program uses buzzwords that also appear in your community. America is being transformed into political "regions" via a sweet sounding stealth program that is being managed by global policy.


What is a Soviet?

June 29, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 6/29/2005 -

People know that a soviet system of government is a dismal failure. A failure so bad, in fact, that it's inconceivable to consider that soviet-style "change agents" might actually be Americans living and working in our own neighborhoods. Even worse, would be to discover that your smiling political leaders might also be "agents of change."


A Tool Chest to Transform North Dakota

June 28, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 6/28/2005 - An axiom of political theory holds that the riches of all the people can be gathered up by simply blurring the boundaries of the people and by raiding the public treasury. Today, the public policy strategy designed to implement this goal is called Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development has become well established in communities from Santa Cruz to Bismarck and states including California and North Dakota.

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