
The Insanity of Celebrating Human Rights Day

February 23, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 2/23/2005 -

Some Santa Cruz County politicians celebrated the United Nation's Human Rights Day with typical public deception. Papers were handed out that OMITTED a critical part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.


What’s Behind “THE VISION” in Your Town?

February 15, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Susanna L. Jennings, 2/15/2005 - The visioning process includes: “values” research, how to run "facilitated" workshops and to how to use “consensus building” to create scenarios for area “change”. When public officials and NGOs (non-government organizations) use the term "visioning" it really means Agenda 21 principles are being implemented.


Environmentalist Propaganda for Kids

February 10, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Jay Lehr, Ph.D., 2/10/2005 - When textbooks preach Sustainable Development "science" rather than teaching the facts, children are being indoctrinated. Heartland's Jay Lehr reviews the recently-released The Future of the Earth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development for Young Readers.


Just the Facts, Please! — The Ties Between Transportation and Housing in Santa Cruz County

January 28, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 1/28/2005 -

LA SELVA BEACH, CA -- A handful of county government insiders posing as community service volunteers were vocal participants in a successful attempt to shut down Michael Park as he delivered a facts-based speech on local Smart Growth policies regarding transportation and housing to the La Selva Beach Improvement Association on October 21, 2004. Read the transcript and see for yourself what they didn't want the public to know.


An Open Letter to the King and His Game Keeper

October 13, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Thomas Paine -

As land around the country becomes swallowed up by the government and its partners through "habitat protection plans" the silence behind the science is deafening. The red-legged frog is another species used on the central coast in steal land and limit human action.


Seeds of Change: Landowner Talks on Abundance Ecology

October 13, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Nancy Redwine -


"Liberty Garden proves that if people are free to create voluntary associations, the laws of economics and the consequence of stewardship will cause the earth to improve."

Michael Shaw, Abundance Ecologist


Community Plans Aim to Change Values

October 13, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Susanna L. Jennings, 10/13/2004 -

Community plans are specifically designed to reflect aesthetically the collective values they seek to impose -- at the expense of individual expression and privacy.


Community Planning – Case Study: Corralitos, California

October 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Susanna L. Jennings, 10/12/2004 -

In the name of "protecting" and "enhancing" our neighborhoods, community planners and local busybodies are fanning out all over the country to change our towns and neighborhoods. They call it "visioning".

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