
The Philosophy of Liberty

February 17, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Ken Schoolland, 2/17/2004 -

This compelling Flash animation by Hawaii Pacific University Associate Professor Ken Schoolland portrays the sound principles of liberty upon which individuals and society flourish.  The legal, social and moral principles that guide a society based o­n individual liberty are simple indeed!


Environmental Dictatorship

February 6, 2004 | 0 Comments

2/6/2004 -

Congratulations to the citizens of Richland County, South Carolina, who understand that the position of Environmental Program Manager has more to do with ushering in a police state than the protection of the environment. Richland County citizens showed up, spoke out, and just said "NO" to the position. Doug Kendall describes the dictatorial powers and consequences to the people of Richland County had it been approved.


What Has Government Done to our Families?

February 5, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Allan Carlson, 2/5/2004 -

There are consequences when a country's children are raised by the State. Allan Carlson examines the historical example of Swedish government education.


A Generation of Manipulation and Behavior Modification

February 5, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 2/5/2004 -

Since its founding in 1972, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission never intended to meet the transportation needs of residents. Rather, it has sought to shape their travel habits and manipulate their lives through behavior modification programs, the diversion of funds into fiscally irresponsible and largely unwanted alternative projects, and the intentional negligence of much-needed highway improvements.


Dulles Rail Project Will Make Congestion Worse, Lawsuit Claims

December 19, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 12/19/2003 -

Proposal "too expensive and illegally conceived"

FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Noted constitutional lawyer Gilbert K. Davis filed suit on December 5th against the Commonwealth of Virginia and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to obtain an injunction prohibiting further advancement of the $4 billion Dulles rail project, which Davis contended is being moved forward in violation of the Virginia Public Private Transportation Act (PPTA) and its implementing guidelines.


Community Plans = Sustainable Scams

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Joanne Nathan, 11/24/2003 -

When you hear terms like, "Community Plans", "Town Plans" and "Village Plans"... take notice and take action!


Attack on Private Property Institutionalized

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

11/24/2003 -

In a powerful 50 minute presentation, abundance ecologist Michael Shaw described the nature, origin, structure and pace of the implementation of Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 in Santa Cruz and across the nation to residents of Auburn, California. The presentation incorporated examples from the Sierras, including a proposed Auburn City Tree Ordinance that dictates what a homeowner can do with trees on their own two acre lot. A report from this event (from the Auburn Journal) follows, with annotation by Freedom 21 Santa Cruz [now Freedom Advocates].


It’s Time to Snuff out the “Let it Burn” Idea

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

11/24/2003 - Pacific Legal Foundation Vice-President M. David Stirling explains how the Endangered Species Act is anti-environment and therefore anti-human. The devastation caused by the recent California fires exemplifies how such policies undermine life for humans, plants and wildlife. The "Let it Burn" attitude is more than disturbing when it emanates from a group called the "Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics".


Congressman Farr Makes the Rules

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

11/24/2003 - SUMMARY:
"...your proposal doesn't make it affordable. It just benefits a lucky few and raises prices for the many. Your restrictions hurt the people you want to help, Sam."

Naval Post Graduate Professor and Hoover Institute Fellow David Henderson has a revealing discussion with Congressman Sam Farr over housing at Fort Ord, in Monterey, California.

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