
Smart Growth Rolls Into Town On A Trolley

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 11/23/2003 -

Plans for Recreational Rail in Santa Cruz County raise a number of issues for the community, and with future plans for a full-blown Smart Growth project, authorities have not disclosed all of the details - nor the consequences to the lives of county residents.


Judging Janice Rogers Brown

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Harold Johnson and Timothy Sandefur, 11/23/2003 -

The credentials and character of Janice Brown are beyond dispute. In her jurisprudence, courts should function, first and last, as defenders of freedom, say Johnson and Sandefur in this article published during her judicial nomination hearings.


Social Predation 101: Now showing in classrooms near you

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 11/23/2003 -

In a tutorial showing teachers how to recruit and use students as activists, a former high school social studies teacher unwittingly exposes a model for social predation that is instituted in K-12 and college campuses across the USA. This is a must-read for anyone who has or knows children in a government school.


Do We Need Another Entity Telling Us How, Where to Live?

November 19, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Don Lively, 11/19/2003 -

Ask 100 people about "smart growth" and likely 99 will look blank or reply, "Sounds great!" -- the desired response of proponents of this regional land use control measure. The following comments reflect concerns of smart growth-savvy citizens from both sides of the Bay -- and portray implications every Contra Costa County resident should understand about the county-wide project called "Shaping Our Future-Contra Costa County" (SOF-CCC), generically labeled "smart growth."


Sustainable Indoctrination: Local U.N. Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education (Excerpts)

November 17, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education". Includes: Your child is the prime target; Enlisting the government education system for indoctrination of your children; All subjects ripe for environmental indoctrination; Coming to your schools: all sustainable indocrintation all the time; Get with the program; The "Desired State" of education: getting along; Indoctrinational goals for your children; Sustainable indoctrination. [Note Headlines are editorial comments, emphasis added.]


Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation (Excerpts)

November 12, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Unedited excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation". The headlines are editorial comments, includes: Your car, enemy of the people; Desired state: rebuild your neighborhood sans car; Plans for taxing your car, somebody has to pay for the unused government transportation system; A metropolitan transportation vision for rural Santa Cruz County.


Patriot Act: Global Connections

August 18, 2003 | 0 Comments

8/18/2003 - SUMMARY: Geopolitical Journalist Joan Peros shares what she's learned at press conferences and meetings o­n the global stage, and exposes a connection between homeland security to an agenda for global governance.


Water District Educational Programs Promoting Behavior Modification

August 15, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Something seemed fishy in the San Lorenzo Water District when its Board of Directors introduced plans for using ratepayer fees to fund indoctrination programs. In this commentary, Lisa Rudnick presents the opposition to the Board's actions, and exposes how the program may not only be a questionable use of ratepayer funds, but that it may be illegal.


Sanctuary Says YOU Are Primary Threat to Environment

August 15, 2003 | 0 Comments

According to the "Monterey Bay Begins o­n Your Street" brochure funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the primary culprit responsible for environmental threats to the sanctuary is "YOU!"


Getting to the Bottom of the Monterey Bay “National Marine Sanctuary”

August 14, 2003 | 0 Comments

O­n the surface, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary seems like a good thing but "safeguarding" (enforcement) "goes beyond protecting the resources within its boundaries." Eleven major watersheds, from seashore to mountain summit, encompass a 7,000 square mile landmass that is bigger than the Sanctuary itself.

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