
Nature Conservancy Under Investigation, Suspends Operations After Post Exposure

May 30, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: The Nature Conservancy is coming under fire after the Washington Post described how the $3 billion environmental charity may have played loose with IRS laws to benefit supporters, including corporations that have paid millions in environmental fees. This story provides a comprehensive overview of how your taxes and donations have been used by The Nature Conservancy, provides links to the Washington Posts "Big Green" series and to a library of supplementary stories.


It is Time for Straight Answers from the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

4/30/2003 - Ray AmRhein asks the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency "Who owns the groundwater in a farmer's well" and finds the answers, and the agengy's practices, violate the law -- and the private property of Santa Cruz County residents. In this Watsonville Register-Pajaronian article (4/30/2003), AmRhein uses his 49 years of experience in water law to compare PVWMA practices with the law, and finds that "for over 10 years the [PVWMA] directors have been acting under the false premise that the state owns the water."


Position Statement: Regionalization of Resources by Non-elected Administrators

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

5/23/2003 - A conglomeration of local and international government and non-government organizations groups are now in advanced stages of implementing programs that subjugate Santa Cruz County water use and citizen water rights to regional control by non-elected officials. This Freedom Advocates issue statement summarizes what we can do together to advance freedom and protect your private property.


WorldNetDaily Reveals Plan for World Government through Councils

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

The United States stands as the "last major impediment to global governance", according to the May edition of's magazine, Whistleblower Magazine. Of particular note for Santa Cruz County residents is that this renowned national publication specifically sites Santa Cruz as a ground-zero point for implementation of global government at a local level. This is groundbreaking research for a national publication. Spread the word...


Do We Have a Water Shortage in Santa Cruz County?

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

Santa Cruz County, California is in a rain zone that dumps approximately 978,000 gallons of water for each resident every year. The failure to implement even a basic water storage plan allows the water to flow unused into the ocean. Jack Ward researches the question “Do we have a water shortage in Santa Cruz County?”, and finds a resounding NO! “Has it occurred to anyone else that the major problems confronting Santa Cruz County are contrived and are caused by the same politicians that we entrusted to solve them?”


Globalist Assault Against America Now Underway

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 5/23/2003 -

While the media spotlight is focused o­n the Security Council's debate about rebuilding Iraq, the rest of the U.N. bureaucracy lumbers along toward its published goal of ruling the world. The Commission o­n Sustainable Development concluded two weeks of meetings in New York, o­n May 9. It was the 11th annual session of this U.N. body, created as a result of the 1992 U.N. Conference o­n Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the Commission is to implement "Agenda 21."


Want to Protect the Earth? Then Protect Private Property!

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

5/23/2003 -

SUMMARY: Do we have to choose between protecting the environment and growing the economy? J. David Breemer from the Pacific Legal Foundation argues that we don't. In fact, he says, "environmental improvements happen because of, not in spite of, private property and free enterprise."


Collective Farming in the California Delta

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

5/23/2003 - SUMMARY: Sharon Votaw thought she and her husband had purchased a farm; but, they found a conglomeration of local, state, and international government and non-government agencies already had firm control.


Global Warming Myth Debunked

May 22, 2003 | 0 Comments

By, 5/22/2003 - Will Chicken Little finally get the pink slip from "special interest" groups? Right. o­n the bright side: maybe the emperor doesn't need clothes after all. This summary of Access to Energy research provides access to vital information you should know about the Global Warming myth, including a petition signed by 17,000 scientists opposed to the Kyoto protocols and the myth of human-caused global warming. [...]
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