
Rails Fails in San Jose, California

May 21, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 5/21/2003 -

When it comes to travel, Californians still want independence and freedom of choice. An endless barrage of expensive "expert studies" has failed to convince taxpayers to opt for collectivist models of transportation, yet road maintenance and infrastructure improvement have been "sidetracked" for 30 years. Why?


ESA: Flawed Law

April 28, 2003 | 0 Comments

4/28/2003 - Summary: The ESA has become a most effective tool in the hands of the preservationists and those intent on destroying the livelihoods of millions of Americans. T. R. Mader, Research Director for the Abundant Wildlife Society of North America tells how and offers solutions.


Wildlands Project Writ Large

March 3, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 3/3/2003 -

When Earth First! co-founder, Dave Foreman, first voiced his vision in 1990, of wolves and grizzly bears roaming, unmolested by humans, through unbroken wilderness from Mexico to Canada -- many people laughed. The "Wildlands Project" is no longer a laughing matter. Nine bills have been introduced to expand wilderness in America and surround them with "primitive areas" in which human activity is severely limited. Dave Foreman's vision should be rejected. Free people create free markets; neither can survive when the government owns the sources of production.


Sustainable Communities: Under Construction Everywhere

February 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 2/24/2003 -

Sustainable communities will ensure that individuals and nations pursue the future o­nly along the paths deemed "sustainable" by those self-appointed bureaucrats who think they know what is best for the world. [California's Senate Bill SB 375 "Sustainable Communities Strategy" of 2008 follows this principle.]


What is “Unsustainable”?

February 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 2/23/2003 -

The Global Biodiversity Assessment report directed by the United Nations Environment Programe (UNEP) calls for urgent action to reverse unsustainable effects on global biodiversity. The report is based on the false premise that "Population growth has exceeded the capacity of the biosphere.” In order to understand what is sustainable, one must understand what is not sustainable...


Sustainable Development in Santa Cruz County and Across the Country

February 20, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Nick Peros, 2/20/2003 - If there is a bedrock principle upon which our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our nation was constructed, it is this: "government is empowered by the Consent of the governed"... There are people among us in Santa Cruz County and other portions of the United States and other nations that believe this method of public policy development is obsolete.


“Smart Growth” is “Agenda 21”

February 20, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 2/20/2003 -

From one end of the country to the other, "Smart Growth" has become the politically-correct buzz-word to mask a variety of policy initiatives designed to bring about sustainable development of sustainable communities that will produce sustainable lifestyles - as determined by the authors and promoters of Agenda 21... Anything less is a major erosion of the first principle of freedom: legitimate government is empowered by the consent of the governed - not by the recommendations of Agenda 21, the President's Council on Sustainable Development, or by the "visions" on non-elected professionals, no matter how well-meaning they may be.



April 1, 2000 | 0 Comments

It will take increasing public awareness to restore our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The damage from Agenda 21, Sustainable Development [...]
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