
Are Local Issues Affecting Your Family, Home and Resources?

March 18, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Andrea Sanchez, 3/18/2009 -

Boulder Creek, CA: Troubled by local government decisions affecting your family, home and neighborhood? Wondering about the competency of agencies managing (controlling) water, housing and transportation?


Full Throttle Reverse – Reverse Engineering Civilization

February 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Vicky L. Davis, 2/24/2009 - I don’t know how many people took me seriously when I said that the world was being run by the Cult of Bucky (Buckminster Fuller), but I was very serious despite the fact that it sounds absurd. Actually, it’s not clear that the ideas of radical environmentalism as a framework for life on earth originated with Fuller, but if you want to understand to full measure of the insanity, watch his videos. Just google videos using his name and while you are listening to the videos, picture the world he had in mind because that’s the world that’s being created right now for your children.

First of all, you must understand that the federal reserve notes in your wallet only have the value that is assigned to them and by that I don’t mean $1.00 in the sense we normally understand it. Money is anything that is valued by the society. In primitive cultures, certain kinds of shells had value for trading so you can’t even say that gold and silver are the only items of value. They only have value if they are assigned value by the society and you can trade them for supplies you need.


Animal Services Out of Control

February 18, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Andrea Sanchez and Vern Westgate, 2/18/2009 - Residents of Santa Cruz County, California can rest assured that there are no holds barred when Animal Services encounter the ‘threat’ of domestic felines. One particular incident began when Fluffy, a shy, nervous, much loved pet of the Shaw family in Santa Cruz County, CA. became ill. Joanne, a member of Fluffy’s staff, (dogs have owners – cats have staff) was concerned. So Joanne contacted their longtime, trusted mobile veterinary team.


Liberty or Sustainable Development? – Part 2

February 17, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 2/17/2009 -

Chapter 2 of 13: The Decay of Liberty – An Illustration

The American culture is experiencing the consequences of declining individual responsibility and rising dependency. The genuine free trade principles that guide an honest economy have been abandoned.


The Unrepentant Sins Of The California Coastal Commission

February 12, 2009 | 0 Comments

What do the former mayors of Malibu and San Diego, a former member of the California Coastal Commission, and a former captain of the County of Los Angeles Fire Department have in common? In a soon-to-be released documentary film entitled “Sins of Commission”, these former public servants, along with several other aggrieved property owners, describe in painful detail the transformation of the California Coastal Commission as a protector of the environment into a radical bureaucratic monster.


Cloak of Green

January 15, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Rodney Stubbs, 1/15/2009 - In 1995, Elaine Dewar, an investigative reporter, published her book Cloak of Green. This book was written by Dewar to expose the overthrow of the government of Brazil in a bloodless coup. Today we see the same patterns occurring in the United States, as evidenced by the links included in this article to pages prepared and approved by the Obama transition team.


Rapanos Revisited

January 15, 2009 | 0 Comments

The Price Of Successfully Challenging The Federal Interpretation Of The Clean Water Act

By Ronald A. Zumbrun, 1/15/2009 - In 2006 I wrote about the United States Supreme Court rendering its highly anticipated decision in John Rapanos v. United States. The issue was whether the term “waters of the United States” as used in the Clean Water Act included wetlands on private property not directly abutting navigable waters.

Of particular interest was the effect that the Court’s two newest members, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, might have on the course of our nation––particularly in the area of private property rights.


Why We MUST Invoke Our Individual Rights—Now

December 3, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Genevieve LaGreca, 12/3/2008 - America today is a nation in trouble. The great fortress of liberty, the country of the most productive, prosperous, and happy people in the world is in grave danger. America is under siege by the Dark Side, the forces of statism, while its Knights of Liberty are disarmed, demoralized, and suffering near-fatal wounds.

The country that once elected leaders whose ideas upheld liberty now elects leaders whose sweet-sounding platitudes and woozy promises are all that is required; and whose actual, dangerous ideas need not be examined until after Election Day.


Yukon to Yellowstone: Concern is our animal “cousins”??

December 1, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Vern Westgate, 12/1/2008 - Here is an example of the impact environmental activists have on our constitutionally protected private property rights. They come at us under the guise of “fixing” an issue by creating a “local” or “regional” body to control individual property rights. The error in their thinking is that they are promoting the “common good” in the same manner and for the same reasons that the United Nations attacks private property.

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