Sustainable Development

A Tool Chest to Transform North Dakota

June 28, 2005 | 0 Comments

By Michael Shaw, 6/28/2005 - An axiom of political theory holds that the riches of all the people can be gathered up by simply blurring the boundaries of the people and by raiding the public treasury. Today, the public policy strategy designed to implement this goal is called Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development has become well established in communities from Santa Cruz to Bismarck and states including California and North Dakota.


Vision 2025: Sustainable Development Comes to Greenville

April 19, 2005 | 0 Comments

"Vision" programs are everywhere. What are they and where did they come from? In short, a "vision plan" is a Sustainable Development program designed to transform a system of private property into collective land management and centralized government. Don't be fooled by the smiles and cookies at your communities visioning sessions! Dr. Steven Yates reports from South Carolina.


Agenda 21 — The Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development

June 15, 2004 | 0 Comments

Good article to read if you are new or have friends that are new to Sustainable Development!

By Daniel Beckett, 6/15/2004 -

In this straightforward exposé of Agenda 21 -- the blueprint to advance Sustainable Development -- Beckett examines the notion of "sustainability." His conclusion: The American people need to be better informed so they understand that Sustainable Development is a pseudonym for centralized control over human life.


The International Green Agenda

June 15, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Ivan Osorio, 6/15/2004 - WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nongovernmental organizations, especially environmental, play an increasingly important role in international politics. With the financial backing of major U.S. philanthropies, such as the Ford Foundation, environmental activists use United Nations forums and other international meetings to influence global trade and environmental policy.


Sustainable Developers Invade Santa Cruz County

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

4/20/2004 -  Wildlands and Smart Growth programs are implemented through state and federal government agency directives. The Wildlands programs use government regulations to wrest control of rural lands away from private property owners. Smart Growth is a term used to describe high density commercial and residential development built within walking distance to rails and work. You will find similar programs developing in your community. It is not just property owners that are under attack. It is also your safety and freedom that is at stake.


Putting a Happy Face on Socialism

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/3/2004 - While Santa Cruz County is radical enough to call SD/A21 by name, neighboring Monterey County has a differently packaged program to promote the United Nations' Sustainable Development Agenda 21 - an interactive, web-based, Community Planning Model.


Regional Governance is Here

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 3/3/2004 - Few people realize that regional commissions even exist, or the growing influence they have over the lives of ordinary people, by providing the mechanism through which appointed individuals, rather than elected officials, develop public policy. 


Packard Foundation: Creating a Fiefdom on the California Central Coast

March 2, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/2/2004 - The United States has experienced an explosion in federal, state, and local regulations in recent years and it is not the result of elected officials responding to the expressed desires of their electors. Robert Eckert shows how the Packard Foundation and a host of other corporate global-government providers are busy working to regulate every aspect of our lives and the lives of our children.


Sustainable Indoctrination: Local U.N. Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education (Excerpts)

November 17, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education". Includes: Your child is the prime target; Enlisting the government education system for indoctrination of your children; All subjects ripe for environmental indoctrination; Coming to your schools: all sustainable indocrintation all the time; Get with the program; The "Desired State" of education: getting along; Indoctrinational goals for your children; Sustainable indoctrination. [Note Headlines are editorial comments, emphasis added.]


Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation (Excerpts)

November 12, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Unedited excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation". The headlines are editorial comments, includes: Your car, enemy of the people; Desired state: rebuild your neighborhood sans car; Plans for taxing your car, somebody has to pay for the unused government transportation system; A metropolitan transportation vision for rural Santa Cruz County.

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