Illegitimate Government

Are B Corporations Fascist Operators?

March 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

3/9/2013 - Michael Shaw discusses B Corporations with Wynne Coleman. Do B Corporations establish a Fascist business system? As states adopt B Corp legislation the nature of business is changed from free enterprise to public-private partnership. [...]

Australian Legislator Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome

February 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Honourable Ann Bressington, Independent Member of the Legislative Council, South Australia warns of Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, population control and world government on February 2, 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia. Bressington gives a frank assessment of what has happened up until now and suggests some solutions for averting our enslavement. [...]

Stop the National Common Core Power Grab

November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Common Core is a globalist takeover of the American education system, from top to bottom. It was designed by globalists with funds from globalist foundations and [...]

Agenda 21 is in Your Community

October 21, 2012 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw presents “Agenda 21 is in Your Community” at the Radio Liberty Seminar in Central California, October 21, [...]

Misprision of Treason Notice to Alameda County CA Board of Supervisors – Shaw Delivers Notice and Explains Why He Did It

July 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Misprision of Treason is a 162 year old statute in California which makes ranking officials responsible for specific treasonous actions undertaken by government agencies. Shaw contends that for 10 years, the County of Alameda has harassed him and his business due to County policies that execute U.N. Agenda 21. This 37 minute video includes background building up to the misprision notice. [37 minutes] [...]

Agenda 21 Talked About on the House Floor – October 2 1992

February 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

Congress introduces a bill to follow the soft law treaty called United Nations Agenda 21. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and others involved. Pelosi introduces a bill to follow the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and conform to Agenda 21 and local Agenda 21 sustainable community practices and follow international law. Taken from C-SPAN archives, filmed on October 2, 1992. [...]
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