Problems with Sustainable Development

Michael Shaw speaks at the Ludwig von Mises Institute

March 18, 2006 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw speaks on Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute Conference, March 18, 2006. Shaw presents "The Nature of Sustainable Development: The Transformation of America's Systems of Government, Justice and Economics". [30 minutes] [...]

Michael Shaw – Agenda 21: The Transformation of America

November 19, 2005 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw explains the consequences of Agenda 21 - the destruction or your rights, shortage, and a police state - at Dr. Stanley Monteith's Radio Liberty Conference, November 19, 2005. Shaw also discusses Freedom 21 Santa Cruz (now Freedom Advocates). [20 minutes] [...]

The Silver Bullet for Liberty

July 16, 2005 | 0 Comments

In this inspiring presentation, Freedom 21 Santa Cruz (now Freedom Advocates) President Michael Shaw and American Policy Center President Tom DeWeese tell an overflow [...]

The All out War on Natural Law

June 29, 2005 | 0 Comments

6/29/2005 - Host Michael Shaw with William Roberts. Why has society lost its sense of parenthood, private property and individual liberty? What is Natural Law? Has Positive Law and legal positivism been allowed to trample Natural Law? What would that mean for the future of the Human Race? Listen to researcher William Roberts explain historical developments, and the transformational doctrines that have mired America into a worsening condition. Understand the disease so that we can cure the illness. Don't miss the information that modern colleges no longer teach. [...]

Fabian Socialism, Regionalizing England and the European Union

June 22, 2005 | 0 Comments

6/22/2005 - Host Michael Shaw with Robert Theobald. Global governance is designed for the elite to gather the riches of the people. A political axiom holds that all people's riches can be gathered by blurring boundaries and raiding public treasuries. Englishman Robert Theobald exposes the British government's effort to do just that. Former Chairman of the British Fabian Society, Tony Blair, has called for the demolition of 3.4 million homes with the relocation of the people into "privately" financed government housing, claiming global warming necessities! Theobald discloses how the British political parties, by supporting the European Union, are throwing out 800 years of Western legal principles while blatantly surrendering British sovereignty to regionalized global government. Theobald describes the rising resistance to the regionalization of Great Britain. [...]

America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 5 of 5) – Tom DeWeese

February 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

America's Choice (Part 5 of 5) - Tom DeWeese: Sustainable Development

Tom DeWeese - Sustainable Development - The Wrenching Transformation of America

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, property rights and academics-based education. He has been an activist for over thirty five years. Presented at The Summit at Camp Davis in Maine, February 2004.

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