Santa Cruz County

Sustainable Developers Invade Santa Cruz County

April 20, 2004 | 0 Comments

4/20/2004 -  Wildlands and Smart Growth programs are implemented through state and federal government agency directives. The Wildlands programs use government regulations to wrest control of rural lands away from private property owners. Smart Growth is a term used to describe high density commercial and residential development built within walking distance to rails and work. You will find similar programs developing in your community. It is not just property owners that are under attack. It is also your safety and freedom that is at stake.


Exposing Santa Cruz

March 17, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/17/2004 - Michael Shaw and Lisa Rudnick examine Sustainable policies in the rural and urban areas of Santa Cruz. Your town faces the same destiny unless you learn how to shine the light on your town's emerging soviet. [...]

The Santa Cruz Housing Element: False Promises?

March 3, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Susanna L. Jennings, 3/3/2004 -

The people of Santa Cruz County truly believed in 1978 that by allowing the government to limit growth in the County, they would be able to preserve the small town character of the county that they loved. But, by giving the County apparently unlimited control over the free market and building permits, they have created the opposite situation.


A Generation of Manipulation and Behavior Modification

February 5, 2004 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 2/5/2004 -

Since its founding in 1972, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission never intended to meet the transportation needs of residents. Rather, it has sought to shape their travel habits and manipulate their lives through behavior modification programs, the diversion of funds into fiscally irresponsible and largely unwanted alternative projects, and the intentional negligence of much-needed highway improvements.


Community Plans = Sustainable Scams

November 24, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Joanne Nathan, 11/24/2003 -

When you hear terms like, "Community Plans", "Town Plans" and "Village Plans"... take notice and take action!


Smart Growth Rolls Into Town On A Trolley

November 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Michael Park, 11/23/2003 -

Plans for Recreational Rail in Santa Cruz County raise a number of issues for the community, and with future plans for a full-blown Smart Growth project, authorities have not disclosed all of the details - nor the consequences to the lives of county residents.


Sustainable Indoctrination: Local U.N. Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education (Excerpts)

November 17, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Education". Includes: Your child is the prime target; Enlisting the government education system for indoctrination of your children; All subjects ripe for environmental indoctrination; Coming to your schools: all sustainable indocrintation all the time; Get with the program; The "Desired State" of education: getting along; Indoctrinational goals for your children; Sustainable indoctrination. [Note Headlines are editorial comments, emphasis added.]


Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation (Excerpts)

November 12, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Unedited excerpts from "An Agenda 21 Report for Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21-Santa Cruz: Transportation". The headlines are editorial comments, includes: Your car, enemy of the people; Desired state: rebuild your neighborhood sans car; Plans for taxing your car, somebody has to pay for the unused government transportation system; A metropolitan transportation vision for rural Santa Cruz County.

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