Globalist Assault Against America Now Underway

By Henry Lamb
Posted on Freedom Advocates on May 23, 2003 


SUMMARY: While the media spotlight is focused o­n the Security Council’s debate about rebuilding Iraq, the rest of the U.N. bureaucracy lumbers along toward its published goal of ruling the world. The Commission o­n Sustainable Development concluded two weeks of meetings in New York, o­n May 9. It was the 11th annual session of this U.N. body, created as a result of the 1992 U.N. Conference o­n Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the Commission is to implement “Agenda 21.”

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“ECOSOC’s CSD seeks to control WEHAB.”

If you know what this headline means, you are likely to be part of the problem. This headline is written in “acronymese” with a U.N. dialect – the lingo of leftists who live o­n, and for, the United Nations. Translation: the U.N.’s Economic and Social Council’s Commission o­n Sustainable Development seeks to control Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture, and Biodiversity.

While the media spotlight is focused o­n the Security Council’s debate about rebuilding Iraq, the rest of the U.N. bureaucracy lumbers along toward its published goal of ruling the world. The Commission o­n Sustainable Development concluded two weeks of meetings in New York, o­n May 9. It was the 11th annual session of this U.N. body, created as a result of the 1992 U.N. Conference o­n Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the Commission is to implement “Agenda 21.”

For 11 years, this collection of delegates has been meeting in exotic places around the world, at taxpayer expense, egged-on by thousands of representatives of NGOs (non-government organizations) – again, largely at taxpayer expense – expressly for the purpose of figuring out how to control the lives of everyone o­n earth. They know how they want to do it, and they are making great strides toward achieving their goal.

Think about it: If this commission can control water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity, they control the people who rely o­n these resources. Can they actually control these resources? They’re trying. Here are some of their efforts to control water.

Energy is still up for grabs because the U.N. Climate Change Treaty calls o­nly for voluntary action, while the legally binding Kyoto Protocol has been rejected by the Bush administration. The World Health Organization is in place with 3,500 employees stationed around the world. The U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization has 3,700 employes stationed around the world. And the U.N. Convention o­n Biological Diversity is up and running, with more than 400 Biosphere Reserves around the world.

These are o­nly a few of the key organizations and agencies of the U.N., which coordinate their work to achieve the objectives set forth in “Agenda 21,” which is the “Action Plan” to achieve global governance, as described by the Commission o­n Global Governances report, “Our Global Neighborhood.”

On the final day of the CSD meeting in New York, Eric Frumin, representing the textile unions in the United States, but speaking for Global Unions, praised the delegates for amending the “Action Plan” to more fully integrate the body of issues relating to “basic security,” which is also a goal of the U.N.’s International Labor Organization.

For those unfamiliar with U.N. doublespeak, “basic security,” describes the evolving definition of the word “security” as it appears in the U.N. Charter. Originally, “security” meant defensive security for member nations. The new definition means “… safety from chronic threats such as hunger, disease and repression, as well as protection from sudden and harmful disruptions in the patterns of daily life.” Frumin said that the changes in the “Action Plan” would provide a “Workplace Assessment” program to assure that this new brand of “security” would be integrated into the Commissions WEHAB priorities.

Sustainable development, as defined in “Agenda 21,” is defacto socialism. Sustainable development requires government to regulate virtually all human activity in order to achieve what government determines to be “equitable” and “sustainable” use of the planet’s resources.

Freedom cannot survive sustainable development. Free markets cannot exist under a “sustainable” regime. Sustainable development, defined and implemented under a system of global governance, results in the U.N. deciding to what extent individual nations may exert what remains of their national sovereignty.

Skirmishes with the U.N., such as the recent impasse in the Security Council, withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, and the removal of the United States’ signature from the International Criminal Court, are small steps in the right direction. It is foolish, then, to turn around and rejoin UNESCO, turn again to the Security Council for U.N. involvement in Iraq, and to continue to send delegates and money to the CSD, ECOSOC, UNEP, UNDP and the hundreds of other U.N. agencies and organizations that continue to plot the downfall of American values.

Congress will not seriously consider Ron Paul’s HR 1146, a bill to withdraw from the U.N., until the American people realize that every day we continue to prop up the U.N. brings us closer to global governance, and demand that their elected officials get behind the bill and get us out of the United Nations. “Globalist assault against America now underway” was published o­n o­n 5/12/2003. For the source article click here. Contents © 2003 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes o­nly. [Ref.]

Globalist Assault Against America Now Underway by Henry Lamb

Henry Lamb is the Executive Vice President of the Environmental Conservation Organization and Chairman of Sovereignty International. Henry Lamb has a comprehensive archive totaling more than 2,000 pages and accumulated since 1994, located at Sovereignty International’s Library.


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